
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

According to a research done last month on the rivers, lakes and ponds of Germany, France and Australia it is revealed that insecticides have wiped out 42 percent of insects present in water and small marine life. This research is a part of Helm Holtz Association of German Research Centre which is carried out to check the effect of regional bio-diversity on both less and more polluted water and was published in American journal of National Academy of Sciences. This research which was greatly focused on more polluted areas where insecticides were used in a large number revealed that 42 percent in Europe and 27 percent small marine life in Australia was found to be destroyed in there waters. Research was done on insecticides and fungicides- a chemical that kills fungi or retards its growth, which is used in agriculture. According to experts its natural solution is rain. Rain water greatly reduces the effect of these medicines. Thus expert involved in research named Mathias Lies said that using these medicines in large quantity is just like driving on motorway with eyes close.

Insects which are greatly affected by insecticides include Dragon Fly, May Fly, Caddis Fly and Stone Fly. According to researchers these medicines are disturbing environmental symmetry and bio-diversity to great extent. As a result of this research Ecological risk is under consideration and United Nations also established 2020 as its deadline to stop the disordering of bio-diversity. Actually nature has not given birth to any insect, bird or animal without a reason. Everyone has its own purpose and plays its role to maintain the bio-diversity.

In mid 1990 Chinese had killed and ate all snakes one by one. As a result the number of mice increased in rural areas so much so that they destroyed the entire crops. Helplessly Chinese people had to import snakes from India. Snake; which is considered as useless big insect plays its role in maintaining the natural balance of number of mice and other such animals.  In Pakistan’s city of Gujranwala a person sell cooked rice and gravy of sparrow which people eat with great craving. Once a Pakistani man took his American friend with him over there on which his American friend said you people are eating sparrows then who will eat your mosquitoes. One sparrow eats approximately 250 mosquitoes per day; they make mosquitoes their prey while flying in the air. One of the reasons behind increased number of mosquitoes in Karachi is that there are very few trees planted over there, ones which are planted are also being cut down. Sparrows do not find trees to live, plus sparrow hunters catch them in large quantity due to which their amount decreased manifolds in Karachi.

According to another research done in Italy it is revealed that by living in the environment where pesticides are used and in surrounding areas one is more vulnerable to develop Parkinson. Experts reached this result after analyzing 100 researches in detail. Parkinson is a growing disease which results in degeneration of central nervous system; one loses control over body parts movements. Due to this disease, vibration starts in small finger which affects abilities to speak and write, and then in later stages one is even unable to walk. This physical disability is because of the decrease in the level of Dopamine which is a hormone in brain. This natural hormone acts like a channel which helps in sending messages from different parts of the body to that part of the brain which helps in controlling movement of body parts. Symptoms of Parkinson disease are revealed but research on why this disease has developed at once and what causes to decrease Dopamine level is still to be done. The detailed analyses of few cases revealed some evidences that the reason behind this disease can be inherent or genetic. There is another opinion which is being more agreed upon that brain has an important role to play in this disease. Another opinion which is presented by Italian experts is that the presence of specific chemicals in the atmosphere can also be the cause of this disease; obviously they would produce some disturbances in the brain. This opinion further strengthens the previous one. Specific Dopamine neurons produce Dopamine hormone. Emnol Sareeda of IRCCS University Hospital San Matteo Foundation and Giaani Pazole of Parkinson Institute Milan have written about their discoveries in neurology journal of 27th May 2013 that they performed detailed analysis on 400 researches which were conducted to control the cases of this disease. According to their knowledge and experience the usage of pesticides can lead to increased risk of this disease. According to experts pesticides used to kill bugs and other insects can lead to 33 to 80 percent chances in people to develop this disease. According to large scale case control studies the use of Fungicide can increase chances of Parkinson manifolds. According to the researcher Sareeda, people engaged in the profession of agriculture, living near agricultural fields or working there where these medicines are more used and those who drink water from wells of those fields, this disease is increasing rapidly amongst them. 

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